Wednesday, December 17, 2008

School is out...

Hello all! The last two weeks have been busy busy busy here at Tumaini! School closed for December holiday on November 22 and the children have been enjoying a break from school work. And the Tumaini compound has been full of visitors…

We’re hosting a GOA camp called “RIPEN” which stands for Rites in Passage Enlightenment. When Kenyan boys arrive to an age where the community/schools feel they are ready “to cross over” (usually around 15-17 years old) they are circumcised and “enter manhood.” Pastor Kamau, who is over the RIPEN camp, explained to us that if they go through this rite of passage on the streets or in some communities it can be dangerous and unhealthy – physically, mentally, and emotionally. Thus, GOA started the RIPEN program. The first day of camp, the boys go to the hospital and for the rest of the week they rest and have discussions about what manhood means both culturally and biblically.

The new Katie moved into Tumaini on December 1st and has enjoyed her first two weeks here. She will be teaching in the GOA Education Centre when school reopens in January. We also received another short term SIM missionary this week. Ryan has been working in Nairobi at a hospital for the past three weeks, but felt that he was a better fit here at Tumaini. It will be great to have another male presence here for the boys to hang out with. The Lord has blessed us with quick friendships and we already enjoy spending time together cooking meals, playing cards, spending time with the kids, and just hanging out. I’m thankful for both of them and that we can share this ministry together!

Over the last two weeks: I’ve welcomed guests to my home away from home, been to my first Kenyan wedding, chopped down trees with 10 year old boys to make shepherd canes/sticks for our Christmas play, watched a slab of meat be cut on my living area coffee table, and made two great friends to share all of this with…it’s been a good two weeks.

Much love,

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